Saturday, June 24, 2006

7th edition 1505Hrs GMT

AADHIKARonline Editor© Muhammad Haque London Saturday 24 June 2006


AADHIKAR MEDIA FOUNDATON, London, UK. Publishing these editions in London in association with Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area campaign against the CrossRail hole Bill [The ‘CrossRail Bill’ in the UK House of Commons as at Saturday 24 June 2006]

The 7th edition 1505Hrs GMT /1605 Hrs UK Saturday 24 June 2006
Editor in Chief
Muhammad Haque

AADHIKARonline and KHOODEELAAR! Legal disclaimer updated at 1330 Hrs GMT on Thursday 22 June 2006


Tony Blair’s inner city crimes

Part 4 will be posted here shortly

From the previous editions

Blair’s main crime failure in the inner cities has been his attacks on real opponents of crime and criminality . This has taken place along side with Blair’s legitimisation of criminals and crime-causers and in his endorsement of the crooks in the bodies and the institutions of moral and ethical 'standards' that he has packed with his cronies and cheer-leaders who are widely known for what they are - career criminals who have found in him their biggest protector and shielder

The Muhammad Haque daily world political commentary – Part 3 on Tony Blair’s criminal legacy in the UK inner cities

Just how openly parasitical the state in Blaired Britain has become can be seen in this weekend’s corrupt pulpit piece promoted by Rupert Murdoch’ Times portals attributed to that over-ambitious self-seeker and the propaganda launderer for Michael Portillo, Michael Gove, posing now as a Conservative MP
Gove peddles the routine inventions criminally falsifying confections about terrorism and has another go at the Muslims, using the psycho-warriors crafted dialect, language, vocabulary and imagery.
He appears to be writing about the Home Office [the UK Interior Ministry] getting it wrong, as far as their alleged choice of alleged advisers etc relating to Muslims is concerned. He makes the token attack reference on a man called Ibrahim Hewitt and links him with the George Galloway-established RESPECT party. That is it. He says nothing about who Ibrahim Hewitt gets his own agenda from or why this Ibrahim Hewitt was one of the very first to be given so many mainstream, BBC and other UK media platforms to spout out allegedly in the name of Muslims.
Gove really wants to add substance – but he finds none – to the myth of the Muslims equalling some sort of terror.
Had Gove been really concerned about telling the truth about crime including about terror, he would have addressed the issue of the Blair party corruption.
He would have then found that far from being against crime and terror Blair has been a key promoter of crime and a key advocate of terror

He would have then found that it is Blair, not George Galloway’s RESPECT or any such similar or comparable 'political' grouping or outfit, that has been the cause of crime in the UK.
And that crime and terror are not at all different. The only difference between crime and terror is in the degree of emphasis placed in their propagation, in the process of indoctrination that Gove is part of..
But, then, Gove cannot be expected to go into the real arena of telling anything remotely like the truth about real crime and real terror.
He is part and parcel of the very industry which thrives in real crime and real terror
Gove is by all the public evidence of his installation on the platforms of media fabrication and leis on the Blair state apparatus, a very shady and very ignorant individual.
The briefing he gets is of course of a different order
He would never be briefed to go into the manufacture of crime, the propaganda of crime in inner city schools. Let alone to even question the Blair promotion of one of the worst council town clerks of the past fifty years. That is why Gove would not be seen to be deriding Blair for appointing Christine Gilbert the OFSTED chief inspector. Nor would Gove be finding anything odd at all with Blair’s promotion of another Christine Gilbert-looking London rotten borough Council town clerks to another highly-promoted ‘education policy’ jobs in the UK – the former Lambeth council chief executive Heather de …..
From the previous editions

Blair crime failings in Tower Hamlets – why Christine Gilbert is not a right appointment for OFSTED
Part - 2
Blair’s promotion of Christine Gilbert in December 2005 took place in the shape of an honour that was a total insult and a dishonor to the community in the borough.
Christine Gilbert was given the honour at the end of a calendar year which had witnessed Christine Gilbert being frequently described as incompetent, wrongful and complicit in corruption on a massive scale over the voting fraud that has remained uninvestigated.
As the relevant ‘returning officer’ [the official responsible for the proper conduct of elections in a parliamentary or regional or local constituency or ward] Christine Gilbert was correctly criticized by George Galloway, the candidate for Bethnal green and Bow whom Gilbert had to declare as having received the highest number of votes on 5 May 2005.
The corruption allegations were suppressed by the Blairing bureaucracy with considerable participation of the Greater London Assembly [GLA] and the propaganda facilities made available via the offices of the mayor of London, ken Livingstone. ,
.Because George Galloway has not got a political organization rooted in Tower Hamlets [and I AM very conscious of the apparently rooted ones that his party is being linked with on the 12-member 'RESPECT group of councillors' on Tower Hamlets COUNCIL] behind him, he has been having to make do with elements that are flitting in and out.
In the main
And his initially rightly announced intention to see Christine GILBERT role in the electoral fraud and misuse exposed, fizzled out because Galloway has not been able to call on the support of those in Tower Hamlets who could make the difference in that overdue democratic objective.
So what had started as an ethically and democratically desirable promise – the exposure of Christine Gilbert and the May 2005 vote fraud or misuse – ended with the Greater London Assembly effectively suppressing the investigation.
And once they had decided to do that, the so-called impendent political media in Britain generally and in the capital city of London ‘lost interest’. I say those two words within quotation marks because they never had any interest to begin with. Not in the way that they ought to have for the matter to gather the momentum that it should have done and could have done.
The only noticeable reporter on the matter was Andrew Gilligan.
But he is noted as the exception rather than the norm.
And the London EVENING STANDARD which gave Gillian the platform just before the elections [5 May 2005] did not show anything remotely like the professional interest in the alleged electoral abuses that it needed to do if it were to warrant credit as ‘the London evening paper’ of record!
That lack of interest by the ‘mainstream’ was linked with the business decisions of the proprietors. They just happen to also own the London DAILY MAIL group of media outlets.
Contrary to suggestions, the Daily mail is NOT against political sleaze and corruption in Britain. Which is why it has not made a real issue of the Christine Gilbert scandal.
[To be continued]
From the previous editions

Tower Hamlets schools are among the most notorious origins of anti-social behaviour. The ‘Tower Hamlets Local education Authority’ is one of the worst in all of England. And the next chief inspector of schools for England and Wales, is to be the same person who has been responsible for the ‘schools’ disaster in Tower Hamlets for the past few years. How is the person suitable to become head of OFSTED?
the Muhammad Haque daily world political commentary

0930 Hrs GMT London Saturday 24 June 2006
Tony Blair’s latest shallow crime-stunt is already exposed as such.
But the depth of the problem that Blair has created and solidified in the nine years since he became UK Prime Minister is far more worrying and complex than the idiotic promotions given to him by the likes of his ‘mate’ Charlie Falconer would suggest.
Blair has created a moral morass in the British society.
And to understand this morass, it is very important to get a fewer firmamental facts about Blaired inner city right. I am making these observations and this analysis public here in the knowledge that no other writer or commentator has said what I am saying or is likely to independently say what I am saying. This is part of the evidence of how fickle the majority of the commentators on society are in Britain today. This is also greatly to do with the racist brainwashing of the main commentators careerists. To understand Blair’s criminal disaster, it is vital to understand one of the most criminalizing local councils in the UK today. This is called Tower Hamlets. And it is the chief executive of this same borough that Blair has foolishly or sleazily or immorally promoted to become the chief inspector of OFSTED, the quango that is in control of the ‘definitive word’ about what standard of performance in most schools and related educational institutions in England and Wales is and ought to be.
Blair’s appointment of Tower Hamlets ‘chief executive’ Christine Gilbert to become the OFSTED head raises so many questions about Blair’s own ability to make rational and fair judgments about vital matters that affect the lives of so many people. >br>I am introducing the key summarised facts of what has been going in Tower Hamlets.

Tower Hamlets is one of the worst ‘local education authorities’ in all of England. It has been so for ages.
At least since the Inner London Education Authority was abolished in 1990.
The first ‘political party’ that got hold of the resources that came with the local borough Council of Tower Hamlets becoming a ‘Local education Authority’ was what is now known as the Liberal Democrats
They made the typically inner city corrupt decision-making on the Tower Hamlets LEA
The local councillors in control – or in nominal control of the Education on behalf of the ‘majority’ group on Tower Hamlets Council, were beholden to the influences and the controlling corruption of the entire English educational establishment and bureaucracy.
That relationship of being exposed to the crooks that called the shots on what constituted morally and ‘educationally’ ‘professionally sound practice, was very much linked with the then Tower Hamlets Council’s lack of experience in political action. What they had experience of was in political corruption of their own variety. They thought that if their predecessors up to May 1986 as political majority on the Council had been themselves corrupt then the answer to that was for the incumbents in 1990 to be as corrupt as their alleged political rivals.
So the resources that came Tower Hamlets Council’s way – in the form of the Council becoming the Local Education Authority as well – resulting from the Thatcherite abolition of the Inner London education Authority became the object of a grand scheme of abuse, squandering and theft
[To be continued]

From the previous editions:

Khoodeelaar! Legal action programme – against Transport Secretary Douglas Alexander, London mayor Ken Livingstone, Tower Hamlets Council chief executive Christine Gilbert and four Tower Hamlets Councillors [amongst others] – the grounds summarised [Continuing the updates as published on Friday 23 January 2006]

Coming here on Saturday 24 June 2006
THE MUHAMMAD HAQUE political commentary on the Blaired state of inner city London

Why Charlie Falconer is wrong to promote the criminal law lies that Tony Blair is so desperate to perpetuate
Is a tee-totalling ‘Charlie’ Kennedy a really proper and good alternative to Ming Campbell as a leader of Germaine Greer’s fantasy ‘ideal’ political party for Britain?
Why Crossrail-hole-plotting Tower Hamlets Council is not a model at all to be cited anywhere
Blair crime failings in Tower Hamlets – why Christine Gilbert is not a right appointment for OFSTED –
An in-depth examination of the ‘petitions’ to the Crossrail hole select committee
From the previous editions:
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail Bill campaign news and updates here from 1530 Hrs GMT /1630 hrs UK Friday 23 June 2006

The Khoodeelaar! legal actions against Tower Hamlets Council’s Crossrail-hole-plot-inviting ‘chief executive’ Christine Gilbert will also include as co-defendants Owen Whalley and five councillors or former councillors. They are being accused in court of lying for Crossrail.

The Khoodeelaar! legal actions against Christine Gilbert have been threatened over a long time
The reasons why the actual claims have not been filed in court so far are linked with the other 'procedures'. Now that those procedures are out of the way, in the main, the threatened legal actions can commence

The ‘procedural’ factors that would have made court actions harder to mount would have included the ‘outcomes’ of the ‘petitions’ to the UK House of Commons select committee on the Crossrail Bill.
With this week’s conclusion, effectively, of the presentations of the petitions from the main area of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against CrossRail hole attacks out of the way, the way is almost clear for commencing the main series of court actions against the perpetrators of the CrossRail assault on our community

The main claim in court against Christine Gilbert and her co-defendants will be that they lied for Crossrail and that they did so repeatedly despite being warned by both Khoodeelaar! and by named individuals in the East London inner city borough of Tower Hamlets.
The lies are evidence in the fact that the Whitechapel Crossrail hole station was imposed on the borough by the lies of the Council as represented by Christine Gilbert in the executive position and by her cop-defendants in their respective executive and or political roles.
Neither category of officeholder was entitled to lie. Neither was exempt or can be exempt from liability for lying.
Contrary to the various myths that have been built by the Blairist regime to shield Christine Gilbert from due process and thereby to deny the people of the East End the service from our local ‘elected council’ to which we are entitled, Christine Gilbert has not been at all a good administrator for democracy.
She has been a violator of democracy/
And the reason why she has been able to be in post at all despite her being a violator of democracy, an abuser of the powers available to her by way of her being in the office of Chief Executive is to be found in the fact that the controlling clique that has been in place on the Council throughout the relevant times has been itself a touting unit for CrossRail assault in the East End.
Consequently there has been no question of any auditing by the people let alone by any court of law of the malpractice, deceptions, illegalities, lying, deceptions perpetrated by the little clique on the Council of which she has been a member
The Khoodeelaar! Court actions have been made unavoidable by the behaviour of the corrupt clique whose lying has now been exposed in their own boastful spins as carried in their own EAST END LIES.

To be continued

The craze for alleged economy in commuter travelling time that has been promoted around Crossrail hole Bill adventure is a common factor in the calculations and strategies of Big Business liars who want to impose their constructionist projects on top of existing communities roads and lines and destroy them so long as the contacts bring Big Business the Big public money incomes. The craze is today being hyped in the Crossrail-hole-Bill crazy EVENING STANRD ‘newspaper5’ which is running its ‘WEST END EDITION’ with ‘LONDON TO GET 140 MPH BULLET TRAIN’. The plug is for a Japanese train manufacturing conglomerate and is about the speed of the railway link between Ashford in Kent and King’s Cross in London. Apparently the connection will cut joinery time by 40 minutes at the current rate. But the ’Bullet-train’ banality has been condemned [accurately] as a damp squib’ by TRAVELWATCH, one of many usually pro-capitalist, PRO-Big Business ‘passenger watchdogs’. Just as the crass CrossRail hole adventure has been based on the assumption that all the past 200 years of rail and public transport networks in London do not exist and that the crassrail project will transform London transport wise into something it will never become without destroying the people and the communities in the city, the over-dozing on the idea of Bullet train is being seen by all seasoned observes as yet another piece of irrational hype by irresponsible profit-seeking, looters of public money. Khoodeelaar! is doing a review of rail transport in London over the weekend. As a preparation for that, we are here publishing the front page hype for the Bullet train as carried in today’s London EVENING STANDARD> VIEW it HERE

From the previous editions:
Corruption by Tower Hamlets Council’s collusion with ethnicity-linked 'community control' - Who beat up a recent mayor of Tower Hamlets Council this past week?

How accurate have the KHOODEELAAR! descriptions of the Crass CrossRail plan been? In the past 30 months, starting with the Muhammad Haque poetry against CrossRail written and published on the internet on 31 January 2004, and including the latest comments and commentaries about CrossRail, the Khoodeelaar! movement has introduced into the English language a whole new vocabulary. Crass-Rail is one of the words. CrossRail-hole-Bill is another multiple of the same campaigning genre. In the course of the commentaries, devised and published in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 area, words have been created to describe the absolute awfulness of the corruptly conceived project.
At times, it has appeared that the words may have been a bit too extreme, far-fetched.
So how to assess the appropriateness of those words and the moral status ascribed to each one in context? Who would be the arbiter of the usages and the possible abusage?
We have a clue
Of sorts
We have the evidence of the proceedings of the Select committee on the ‘CrossRail Bill’ as appointed by the UK’s House of Commons.|
The shocking truth is that the proceedings not only confirm every single thing we ever wrote and coined to expose the shallow CrossRail Bill but the proceedings reinforce the existing ones and cry out for more to be coined and devised….We go into some of those here shortly…

Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail-hole-inviting Tower Hamlets Council
The Khoodeelaar! demonstration against Tower Hamlets Council, held at 6pm yesterday, 21 June 2006, was the latest of a series of comprehensive educational and constitutional events in defence of the community in Tower Hamlets from the many-sided attacks being mounted on the Borough by Big Business, city of London and their touts installed in the controlling clique on the Blairist Tower Hamlets council.
The Khoodeelaar! demonstration issued the final legal Acton warnings against Council ‘chief executive’ |Christine Gilbert and a number named councillors.
they are now being taken to court
More details will be published here
The court actions were delayed because of the meetings of the House of Commons ‘CrossRail bill’ select committee which until earlier this week, was still hearing parts of the remaining presentations of the arguments by a number of petitions concerning the devastating consequences against the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area of certain powers contained in the Crossrail Bill. All those petitioners have been either personally based in Tower Hamlets or have had substantial involvements in the community in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London e1 area.
The Khoodeelaar! legal actions against Christine Gilbert will also include as co-defendants Owen Whalley and five councillors or former councillors. They are being accused in court of lying for Crossrail. The full texts of the claims in court will be posted here in the next day or two.. More reports on yesterday’s Khoodeelaar! Demonstration against tower Hamlets Council will be posted during the later hours of today Thursday 22 June 2006

VIEW HERE the CURRENT KHOODEELAAR! position statements on various legal actions being taken or about to be taken by Khoodeelaar! And against the Crossrail assault on the East End of London. Also included is the latest summary of MUHAMMAD HAQUE’s commentary on the ‘British constitution’ and how that ‘constitution’ is not helpful to little people like the community under CrossRail attack in the East End of London
>view here Aadhikardailyonline news and commentary pages, including updates on Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill campaign